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All Types

Name Summary
kotlin.Any (extensions in package com.oscleton.sdk.extensions)
com.oscleton.sdk.enums.AppTrack Constants class representing the application track used for the Oscleton MIDI Remote Script auto-update process.
com.oscleton.sdk.enums.AutomationState Constants class representing a Live device or send parameter automation state.
kotlin.Boolean (extensions in package com.oscleton.sdk.extensions)
com.oscleton.sdk.browser.Browser Browser contains the methods to browse the Live library.
com.oscleton.sdk.browser.models.BrowserItem Data class representing an item in the Live browser.
com.oscleton.sdk.CallbackReceiver CallbackReceiver contains callbacks triggered by the Live set data changes.
com.oscleton.sdk.configuration.Configuration Configuration is responsible for the SDK settings, like the IP address in order to establish the connection between the Android device and the computer running Live.
com.oscleton.sdk.Controller Controller contains the methods to control the current Live set.
com.oscleton.sdk.models.Device Data class representing a Live device.
com.oscleton.sdk.models.DeviceParameter Data class representing a Live device parameter.
com.oscleton.sdk.devices.Devices Devices contains the methods related to the Live devices.
com.oscleton.sdk.utils.Empty This class is used by Rx Subjects to trigger onNext() events without any particular value.
kotlin.Float (extensions in package com.oscleton.sdk.extensions)
kotlin.Int (extensions in package com.oscleton.sdk.extensions)
com.oscleton.sdk.enums.LiveParameter Constants class representing Live parameters which are emitted by ReactiveReceiver or CallbackReceiver when changing in Ableton Live.
com.oscleton.sdk.liveset.LiveSet LiveSet contains the methods related to the Live set.
com.oscleton.sdk.models.MasterParameter Data class representing a Live master parameter.
kotlin.collections.MutableList (extensions in package com.oscleton.sdk.extensions)
com.oscleton.sdk.utils.NetworkUtils NetworkUtils is a utility class regarding device connectivity.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnComputerIPDiscoveryCancelListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the computer IP discovery is cancelled.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnComputerIPDiscoveryErrorListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the computer IP discovery failed to connect automatically to the computer running Ableton Live.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnComputerIPDiscoveryProgressListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the computer IP discovery progress updates, from 0 to 1.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnComputerIPDiscoveryStartListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the computer IP discovery starts in order to connect automatically to the computer running Ableton Live.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnComputerIPDiscoverySuccessListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the computer IP discovery succeeded to connect automatically to the computer running Ableton Live.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnConnectionErrorListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the connection to the computer running Ableton Live failed.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnConnectionSuccessListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the mobile device is connected to the computer running Ableton Live.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnMasterDeviceParameterChangeListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a master device parameter changes.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnMasterParameterChangeListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a master parameter changes.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnQuitListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when Ableton Live quits.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnReturnDeviceParameterChangeListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a return device parameter changes.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnReturnParameterChangeListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a return parameter changes.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnStartListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when Ableton Live starts.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnTempoChangeListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the live set tempo changes.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnTrackDeviceParameterChangeListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a track device parameter changes.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnTrackParameterChangeListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a track parameter changes.
com.oscleton.sdk.listeners.OnTrackSendChangeListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a track send changes.
com.oscleton.sdk.OscletonSDK The main entry point to use Oscleton SDK.
com.oscleton.sdk.exceptions.OscletonSDKException Generic RuntimeException specific to Oscleton SDK.
com.oscleton.sdk.ReactiveReceiver ReactiveReceiver contains RxJava Observables reacting to the Live set data changes.
com.oscleton.sdk.Receiver Receiver is just a container class to access ReactiveReceiver and CallbackReceiver.
com.oscleton.sdk.models.ReturnParameter Data class representing a Live return parameter.
com.oscleton.sdk.enums.SDKResult Enum class representing Oscleton SDK result.
com.oscleton.sdk.models.Send Data class representing a Live send.
com.oscleton.sdk.enums.SendState Enum class representing a send state, either ENABLED, DISABLED, IRRELEVANT
com.oscleton.sdk.enums.SendType Enum class representing a send type.
com.oscleton.sdk.models.TrackParameter Data class representing a Live track parameter.
com.oscleton.sdk.enums.TrackType Enum class representing a Live track type.
com.oscleton.sdk.tracks.Tracks Tracks contains the methods related to the Live tracks.